Student Loan Payments Are Back! Are You Ready?

Most healthcare professionals either ignore their finances entirely (bad idea) or assume they are experts (but are they really?).

In this webinar recording, Dr. Jerkins covers:

  • What's new with student loans, including recent changes
  • The 4 common mistakes that physicians, dentists, and veterinarians make in regard to their student loans
  • Repayment options for your student loans
  • Student loan forgiveness programs
  • How to get expert help for your unique situation

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Michael-Jerkins HeadshotAbout the Speaker: Michael Jerkins, MD, MEd

Michael Jerkins, MD MEd is the President and Co-Founder of Panacea Financial and is also a practicing physician in Little Rock, AR. After earning his BBA in Economics he deferred his medical school acceptance to teach middle school science in the Phoenix, AZ area while also earning his Masters in Education from Arizona State University. He then completed medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center before finishing his residency at University of Cincinnati Medical Center and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. With a faculty position and board certifications in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Michael is able to treat patients of all ages and teach medical trainees in both inpatient and outpatient settings.